Please find our bank details below:
Bank: Westpac
Account name: MXstore
BSB: 034238
Account number: 378949
For international orders, please use the SWIFT code (international deposits only) - WPACAU2S
*Please reference your eBay username or your MXstore order number beginning with "N" on your direct deposit transaction. Without this reference on your deposit, trying to locate your payment, is like trying to find a visor screw on a race track!
For any urgent orders, please keep in mind that direct deposits can take between 1-3 business days to land, depending on what bank you are with and how the deposit was made. Once we receive the funds, your order will be approved and can be shipped!
*For any special orders ie out of stock items, your order will not be ordered in with our Supplier until the funds have landed in our account.
Still got more questions? Please contact our Customer Service legends for more info!