Step two after removing the old cover is to take your new seat cover and check which end is the front and which is the back end. You can also warm your seat cover up with a heat gun or hair dryer but in our experience we have never felt the need to do this.
Start at the front of the seat by pulling the cover over the end followed by doing the same at the back of the seat. The cover may feel tight to pull over both ends this way, but it will help assure a smooth and wrinkle free finish.
Once both ends are on the seat, check any logo’s on the seat are straight and centered. If there aren’t any logos check the seams of the stitching are sitting square and even on the bottom edge of the seat.
Use your staple gun and punch one staple to the front and the rear of the seat, aim to add this approximately 10mm from the edge of the seat and ensure you are firing the staple into the plastic. Make sure you press the staple gun firmly down onto the plastic evenly or the staple will fire through the cover and cut a hole straight through it.
From there we simply work form the front to the back of the seat pulling the cover tight and adding a staple to each side of the seat all of the way down to the back. Keep checking that the cover is going on straight and snug to the seat base.
Using a heat gun at this point may help you stretch the cover over the seat, but be careful not to heat it too much or you may melt or warp the seat cover.
Add a staple approximately every 20mm until the seat cover is completely stapled down. You can use a Stanley knife to trim any excess seat cover hanging down underneath the seat, watch your fingers!
Try to use staples between 7-10mm, any longer and they may poke through the top of the seat cover. Depending on the strength of the staple gun you may need to press the staples in a little further into the seat plastic as some staple guns aren’t strong enough to get the job done on their own.
Once the cover is on throw the seat back onto your bike and admire how good it looks!